Thursday, December 15, 2005

Last day of my 11th Week

AAAhhh Mommy, when are you going to 'get it'? I don't sit up yet! I know you think this looks cute, but can you hurry and catch me before I fall!

Allan and Marley Korn got me this AWESOME Baby Einstein Caterpillar Discover & Play Activity Center a month before I was born and I just started enjoying it...Mommy shows me how to push the buttons and play music and I just love it! Mommy gets so proud of me that my feet don't even touch the base and I can still play with the toys on top. She mostly likes to watch my 100 different facial expressions that arise from this toy...

I got a baby back massage today...

Then my Mommy tried on my cool outfit from Uncle Sid and Aunt Lalli (even though it is for 6 month olds)...and it fit!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Wednesday with Mommy

This morning Mommy and I played...


I loooooove to pull Mommy's hair...

Mommy gave me a baby massage on my chest, arms, hands and face...I love it!

My Mommy loves me so much!

I like taking short mid-morning and afternoon, 'Frisco' our 'poofty' gray cat slept in my Activity Gym while I slept on my Boppy...

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

My Great-Grandma came to visit me today...

Monday, December 12, 2005

Monday - 80 days old

I began my morning playing with my cool toys...This Whoozit is from my Uncle Jay...
This stuffed cell phone is from Grandma

This Pooh Bear is from my cousin says, "What a very Snuggly Wuggly" and makes me smile...
here, we were looking in the mirror from Jeannette
Here I was giving his nose a little kiss

Then, Mommy let me watch our waterfall again, but it was cold outside! I got to wear the cool jacket from the Bettars and the 'beanie' my Grandma made me

Then I watched a little Sponge Bob....

Then Mommy took me holiday shopping and I was watching her wrap gifts here, when we got home... boy, was it boring!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Sunday with Daddy

I love hangin' out with my Daddy! His only day off is we snuggle, play, and just 'pal around'!

Hanging out in Our Garden

Today Grandma and Grandpa came over to visit! We played with toys and hung out until I fell asleep on Grandpa's shoulder. When I woke up, Mommy took me out to our backyard to see the waterfall and flowers. I loved it so much, she let me hang out and watch it for a while...

Friday, December 09, 2005

I held a bottle for the first time!

Mommy is making me drink from bottles more, since she will be going to work soon...she uses that funny machine to get the milk and today I just took it from her...I'll show her how its done!

Wow...11 weeks old today...

I woke up very happy (as usual)

Then Mommy props me up on a pillow, so I can build my neck can see they are getting stronger!

I am now laying in Daddy's spot with my cool toy from Jennifer Ciokajlo, my overalls from Richard and Jerry Smith, and my stripped bodysuit from Auntie Cheryl...just 'kickin back'...